Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Central member of Nepal Tarun Dal of Nepali Congress


Nepal Tarun Dal is the youth wing of Nepali Congress Party. The organization is one of the most influential youth organizations in Nepal with working level committees in all districts of Nepal. The organization has a publication by the name of Tarun

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

I Love Doing My Job With Lots of Projects

I get to meet a lot of people from different areas with different experiences. We are all here for the same purpose, so it’s guaranteed that I’m more likely to meet people that share similar interests. My Jobs are really Interesting and the Friends are well..!! 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

President at Student Welfare Society

The School of Social Welfare is committed to a more just society based on equality, human dignity and social justice. We believe that inequality and injustices are deeply embedded in society's political and economic structures and ideologies. Oppression objectively and subjectively permeates the lives of people, resulting in the denial of human dignity, individual and cultural diversity, and social and economic justice. Oppression is manifest in discrimination on the basis of class, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age and disability, among others. Our purpose is to prepare students for work in professional social work practice in the public and non-profit sectors of health and social welfare. The School's educational process enables people to identify and analyze the nature and extent of oppression and engage in social work practice that affirms people's strengths as a means to create social change in their lives and in society. The school stresses a commitment to the values of human and cultural diversity, human dignity, social and economic justice, and individual and group self-determination.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Managing Director at Distance Institute of Technology

It is great pleasure for me to introduce Distance Institute Of Technology.
We provide a complete package that will help you decide what to pursue further. Distance has developed a reputation for being friendly, caring, and welcoming and has staff with wide range experience in education for young students.
Distance Institute Of Technology is one of the leading education service providers in Kathmandu, Nepal. We are located in a very prime and peaceful location an New Baneshwor, Thapagau with well furnished, facilitated and decorated office. We are proud to mention that we have provided education facility to thousands of students.

Class Representative at Nobel College

I'm running for class representative for student council. Before I start, I would like to say good luck to my fellow candidates for class representative, though not only am I running against them but also the clock right now, so it's due time I got started.

I would like to represent all of you this year and contribute my strongest dedication to our student council. As your class representative, I will voice your ideas and insight to the council as well as make my own contributions to the college

I believe I qualify for this responsibility for a few reasons. First of all, I am an extremely dedicated person, and am willing to cut out whatever time it takes, whenever it is, to make a better place. I am also organized and responsible, and I can say in complete veracity that I will convey your opinions and my own to the council as well as inform you of anything you should know.